Begin The Journey : M’Power, Inc Starter Series

Now is the time to…


One of the main purposes of M’Power, Inc is to help people to be able to make the following declarative: “This is my authentic self, and this is the lifestyle and path that honors and nurtures my authenticity.” 

Knowing who we truly are, and the way of life that best suits us is a journey. 

It is often in the most intense of times, that we can be introduced to parts of ourselves that we didn’t know were there. Dreams and goals that seemed buried can resurface and new clarity can burst through, giving us a refreshed and updated life path to walk. A journey that when taken, gives a new-found appreciation and pleasure for life and for who we truly are. 

So how do you embark on such a journey? How can you make sure that you are experiencing these times as transformative and empowering time in your life? “Begin The Journey” is a series of workshops that serve as this essential starting point. At the end of this series, you will discover the journey you are meant to take and the additional services and courses that will help you get there. 

The Workshops

It is said that the strength of a building lies in its foundation. When it comes to creating an inner world that is strong enough to both endure throughout the course of one’s life, and influence what happens in a person’s outer world, a solid empowering framework is key.

The Foundation workshop explores some of the core teachings on which M’Power, Inc holistic life coaching, workshops, and courses rest upon. They are the building blocks on which your journey at M’Power, Inc stands and your self-development and personal healing are supported.


Desire and longing for something different, whether it’s a new way of being, living, or experiencing relationships, are powerful energies; change is born out of the desire for change. Yet, just as a garden doesn’t grow from a gardener’s desire for flowers, fruits and vegetables alone, such is the case for achieving the kind of change that lasts. Like gardening, it takes a number of ingredients to grow a new inner and outer landscape, and there are steps that are necessary to tend to our “inner garden” so that it stays vibrant and life-giving year after year.

From Sprouts to Roots: Elements For Lasting Change  is a metaphorical trip to a garden nursery where you will discover what you need in order to grow and develop the kind of life you desire most, allowing you to enjoy the fruits of your labor throughout the many seasons of your life.


Poetry has inspired the minds and hearts of millions for centuries. Most of us can recall a moment when the power of the written word caused us to take pause and reflect, moved us to see the world in a broader context, or uplifted us out of sadness or despair and gently placed our feet on peaceful ground. It is often through poetry that life takes on a myriad of textures and colors, and we are empowered to live beyond the rigid borders we can find ourselves being stifled by.

A Journey to Ithaka is a workshop uniquely designed to give the shape and feel of embarking on a voyage towards greater knowledge. During this special event, Kapria will use C.P Cavafy’s poem “Ithaka” as a tool to assist you in discovering what is needed to navigate through life successfully, and how to arrive at continuous moments of fulfilled living. At the conclusion of this workshop, you will have your own personal map of an inner destination of your choosing, along with key steps you can take to achieve your aims.


At the conclusion of the series, each participant will receive 1 private coaching session via Zoom to be completed within 10 days. This will be your opportunity to review what you learned and create an action plan for the new aspirations you have developed.


This workshop starter series will be offered as an in-person weekend retreat and as an online series starting Winter 2023.

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Be sure and check out the À la Carte Workshops page for more detailed information and a complete list of À la Carte Workshops options at M’Power, Inc.