Reconciliation With Authenticity: A Journey to Homecoming

How does someone change their life profoundly and permanently? If a desire to move through life with meaning, purpose, and inner comfort begins to call out to us, how do we best respond?

It all starts with authenticity.

Deep beneath the surface, past our skin and bone, an original blueprint or painting is stored. Underneath the noise and traffic of societal, familial and cultural influences, our true nature lives and breaths. Our original painting- our true nature- is the part of us that should not be altered, forgotten, or buried. Simply put, it is the way we are built.


Like the deep roots of the strongest and healthiest tree, everything grows from our authentic self. Our authenticity governs what drives us, inspires us, and motivates us. It contains our gifts, talents, purpose, passions, tastes, and truths. Our relationships, vocation, career, personal style, hobbies, and community are all extensions of our authentic inner nature.  

When we are authentic, we are at home within ourselves. 

The mission of M’Power, Inc states that true empowerment is our ability to say and live out the following statement: “This is my authentic self, and this is the lifestyle that nourishes and honors my authenticity.” 

At its root, the  M’Power, Inc. Holistic Life Coaching Program (HLC), along with every course and workshop is designed to walk each person back home to their true selves. 

Reconciliation With Authenticity: A Journey to Homecoming is the starting point for this most fulfilling and worthwhile journey to empowerment. It is offered both as a mini-course for those who prefer to travel in community and as an individual HLC package.

For more details regarding the individual coaching program or group course please contact me